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  • Shear

    Modified by 2015.05.14








    Shear IP-GUI


    Shearing an image by your given sh.
    Give the first output after 1 cycle while the frame input ready.


    Name Function
    Shear.v Main module
    Shear_TB.sv Test bench
    Multiplier12x25SSHR.xci Xilinx IPCore file.
    Multiplier12x25SSHR_funcsim.v Model for functional simulation.
    FixedRoundSigned1.v Source file.
    BRam8x512x512_funcsim.v Simulation file.
    FrameController.v Simulation file.
    FrameController2.v Simulation file.
    Multiplier12x12FR2_funcsim.v Simulation file.


    Name Type Range Default Description
    work_mode unsigned 0 for Pipeline, 1 for Req-ack 0 This module's working mode.
    data_width unsigned None 8 Data bit width.
    im_width unsigned 1 - 4096 320 Width of image.
    im_height unsigned 1 - 4096 240 Height of image.
    im_width_bits unsigned Depend on width of image 9 The bits of width of image.
    mul_delay unsigned Depend on your multilpliers' configurations, 1 - 14 3 Delay for multiplier.
    ram_RL unsigned Depend on your FrameController 7 Delay for FrameController.


    Name Port Type Range Default Description
    clk input unsigned None None Clock.
    rst_n input unsigned None None Reset, active low.
    sh_u input signed Fixed number, 13bits.12bits None Sh for horizontal.
    sh_v input signed Fixed number, 13bits.12bits None Sh for vertical.
    in_enable input unsigned None None Input data enable, in pipeline mode, it works as another rst_n, in req-ack mode, only it is high will in_data can be really changes.
    frame_in_ready input unsigned None None Connect to out_ready in FrameController.
    frame_in_data input unsigned data_width - 1 : 0 None Connect to out_data in FrameController.
    frame_enable output unsigned None None Connect to in_enable in FrameController.
    frame_out_count_x output unsigned im_width_bits - 1 : 0 None Connect to in_count_u in FrameController.
    frame_out_count_y output unsigned im_width_bits - 1 : 0 None Connect to in_count_v in FrameController.
    out_ready output unsigned None None Output data ready, in both two mode, it will be high while the out_data can be read.
    out_data output unsigned data_width - 1 : 0 None Output data, it will be synchronous with out_ready.


    Name Type Description
    MulU Multiplier12x25SSHR Multiplier for Unsigned 12bits x Signed 25bits, used for fixed multiplication.You can configure the multiplier by yourself, then change the "mul_delay".All Multiplier's pipeline stage must be same, you can not change the ports' configurations!
    MulV Multiplier12x25SSHR Multiplier for Unsigned 12bits x Signed 25bits, used for fixed multiplication.You can configure the multiplier by yourself, then change the "mul_delay".All Multiplier's pipeline stage must be same, you can not change the ports' configurations!
    FRSU FixedRoundSigned1 For rounding signed fixed number.
    FRSV FixedRoundSigned1 For rounding signed fixed number.


    Simulations for this module just support 512x512 and Gray-scale images !


    Pipeline mode

    Pipeline mode

    ReqAck mode

    ReqAck mode




    Conf for testing:

    ush vsh
    0.5 0.5
    -1.671 0.539
    0.824 -1.793

    HDL functional simulation for pipeline mode is on the left, for req-ack mode is on the middle, and which on the right is the soft simulation


    1--1.671x0.539 1-0.5x0.5 1-0.824x-1.793 Total
    52.36 52.38 1000000.00 333368.25


    512x512, width of color is 8.

    Slice LUTs* Slice Registers DSP
    212 166 2


    512x512, width of color is 8.

    The max Data Path Delay is 4.103ns, so:

    FMax = 243.72MHz


    The sources of images for simulations: