Modified by 2015.06.01
Generate rows cache, this module just support Pipeline mode now !!!
The lowest color_width-bits of out_data are the first row!
You can configure all fifos by yourself, but fifos in one project whcih have same name must have same configurations.
And you can just change the "Write Depth" and "Fifo Implementation", the Read Latency must be 1 !
Give the first output after rows_width * (rows_depth + 1) cycles while the input enable.
Name | Function |
RowsGenerator.v | Main module | | Test bench |
Fifo1xWidthRows.xci | Xilinx IPCore file. |
Fifo1xWidthRows_funcsim.v | Model for functional simulation. |
Fifo4xWidthRows.xci | Xilinx IPCore file. |
Fifo4xWidthRows_funcsim.v | Model for functional simulation. |
Fifo8xWidthRows.xci | Xilinx IPCore file. |
Fifo8xWidthRows_funcsim.v | Model for functional simulation. |
Fifo12xWidthRows.xci | Xilinx IPCore file. |
Fifo12xWidthRows_funcsim.v | Model for functional simulation. |
Name | Type | Range | Default | Description |
rows_width | unsigned | 2 - 15 | 3 | The width of rows. |
im_width | unsigned | 1 - 4096 | 320 | The width of image. |
color_width | unsigned | 1 - 12 | 8 | Color's bit wide. |
im_width_bits | unsigned | Depend on width of image | 9 | The bits of width of image. |
Name | Port | Type | Range | Default | Description |
clk | input | unsigned | None | None | Clock. |
rst_n | input | unsigned | None | None | Reset, active low. |
in_enable | input | unsigned | None | None | Input data enable, it works as fifo0's wr_en. |
in_data | input | unsigned | color_width - 1 : 0 | None | Input data, it must be synchronous with in_enable. |
out_ready | output | unsigned | None | None | Output data ready, in both two mode, it will be high while the out_data can be read. |
out_data | output | unsigned | rows_width * color_width - 1 : 0 | None | Output data, it will be synchronous with out_ready.The lowest color_width-bits of this are the first row! |
Name | Type | Description |
Fifo | Fifo1xWidthRows | Fifo which has 1 width and N depth (0 < N < 4096), used for rows cache which color_width is 1.You can configure the fifo by yourself, but all fifos in one project whcih have same name must have same configurations.And you can just change the "Write Depth" and "Fifo Implementation", the Read Latency must be 1 ! |
Fifo | Fifo4xWidthRows | Fifo which has 4 width and N depth (0 < N < 4096), used for rows cache which color_width is 2, 3 and 4.You can configure the fifo by yourself, but all fifos in one project whcih have same name must have same configurations.And you can just change the "Write Depth" and "Fifo Implementation", the Read Latency must be 1 ! |
Fifo | Fifo8xWidthRows | Fifo which has 8 width and N depth (0 < N < 4096), used for rows cache which color_width is 5, 6, 7 and 8.You can configure the fifo by yourself, but all fifos in one project whcih have same name must have same configurations.And you can just change the "Write Depth" and "Fifo Implementation", the Read Latency must be 1 ! |
Fifo | Fifo12xWidthRows | Fifo which has 12 width and N depth (0 < N < 4096), used for rows cache which color_width is 9, 10, 11 and 12.You can configure the fifo by yourself, but all fifos in one project whcih have same name must have same configurations.And you can just change the "Write Depth" and "Fifo Implementation", the Read Latency must be 1 ! |
Simulations for this module just support 512xN, Gray-scale and binary images ! And module just supports conf 'width' 3 and 5 !
Pipline mode
HDL functional simulation for pipeline mode is on the left, for req-ack mode is on the middle, and which on the right is the soft simulation
1-3 | 1-5 | 2-3 | 2-5 | Total |
OK | OK | OK | OK | OK |
Slice LUTs* | Slice Registers |
610 | 237 |
The max Data Path Delay is 3.514ns, so:
FMax = 284.57MHz
The sources of images for simulations: