Modified by 2015.05.14
Scaling an image by your given scale.
Give the first output after 1 cycle while the frame input ready.
Name | Function |
Scale.v | Main module | | Test bench |
Multiplier12x24SCL.xci | Xilinx IPCore file. |
Multiplier12x24SCL_funcsim.v | Model for functional simulation. |
FixedRoundUnsigned.v | Source file. |
BRam8x512x512_funcsim.v | Simulation file. |
FrameController.v | Simulation file. |
FrameController2.v | Simulation file. |
Multiplier12x12FR2_funcsim.v | Simulation file. |
Name | Type | Range | Default | Description |
work_mode | unsigned | 0 for Pipeline, 1 for Req-ack | 0 | This module's working mode. |
data_width | unsigned | None | 8 | Data bit width. |
im_width | unsigned | 1 - 4096 | 320 | Width of image. |
im_height | unsigned | 1 - 4096 | 240 | Height of image. |
im_width_bits | unsigned | Depend on width of image | 9 | The bits of width of image. |
mul_delay | unsigned | Depend on your multilpliers' configurations, 1 - 14 | 3 | Delay for multiplier. |
ram_RL | unsigned | Depend on your FrameController | 7 | Delay for FrameController. |
Name | Port | Type | Range | Default | Description |
clk | input | unsigned | None | None | Clock. |
rst_n | input | unsigned | None | None | Reset, active low. |
scale_x | input | unsigned | Fixed number, 6bits.18bits | None | Scale for horizontal, must be reciprocal of real scale. |
scale_y | input | unsigned | Fixed number, 6bits.18bits | None | Scale for vertical, must be reciprocal of real scale. |
in_enable | input | unsigned | None | None | Input data enable, in pipeline mode, it works as another rst_n, in req-ack mode, only it is high will in_data can be really changes. |
frame_in_ready | input | unsigned | None | None | Connect to out_ready in FrameController. |
frame_in_data | input | unsigned | data_width - 1 : 0 | None | Connect to out_data in FrameController. |
frame_enable | output | unsigned | None | None | Connect to in_enable in FrameController. |
frame_out_count_x | output | unsigned | im_width_bits - 1 : 0 | None | Connect to in_count_x in FrameController. |
frame_out_count_y | output | unsigned | im_width_bits - 1 : 0 | None | Connect to in_count_y in FrameController. |
out_ready | output | unsigned | None | None | Output data ready, in both two mode, it will be high while the out_data can be read. |
out_data | output | unsigned | data_width - 1 : 0 | None | Output data, it will be synchronous with out_ready. |
Name | Type | Description |
MulX | Multiplier12x24SCL | Multiplier for Unsigned 12bits x Unsigned 24bits, used for fixed multiplication.You can configure the multiplier by yourself, then change the "mul_delay".All Multiplier's pipeline stage must be same, you can not change the ports' configurations! |
MulY | Multiplier12x24SCL | Multiplier for Unsigned 12bits x Unsigned 24bits, used for fixed multiplication.You can configure the multiplier by yourself, then change the "mul_delay".All Multiplier's pipeline stage must be same, you can not change the ports' configurations! |
FRUX | FixedRoundUnsigned | For rounding fixed number. |
FRUY | FixedRoundUnsigned | For rounding fixed number. |
Simulations for this module just support 512x512 and Gray-scale images !
Pipeline mode
ReqAck mode
Conf for testing:
xscale | yscale |
1.97 | 0.213 |
0.391 | 2.17 |
0.4 | 0.4 |
HDL functional simulation for pipeline mode is on the left, for req-ack mode is on the middle, and which on the right is the soft simulation
1-0.391x2.17 | 1-0.4x0.4 | 1-1.97x0.213 | Total |
1000000.00 | 1000000.00 | 1000000.00 | 1000000.00 |
512x512, width of color is 8.
Slice LUTs* | Slice Registers | DSP |
77 | 69 | 2 |
512x512, width of color is 8.
The max Data Path Delay is 3.372ns, so:
FMax = 296.55MHz
The sources of images for simulations: